The artists we're currently working with, or worked in the past (publications, exhibitions, art fairs, consulting and marketing, sales, non-exclusive representation on local and global marketplaces).
(In alphabetical order. Click on the name to visit artist's website)
Ade Adesina (UK)
Alex Lavrov (Canada)
Alfred De Angelo (USA)
Aline Pouget (France)
Anna-Kajsa Alaoui (Sweden)
Antonio Canau (Portugal)
Armando Cabba (France)
Barbara Toloczko (Canada)
Barry Gordon (USA)
Birdy Tg (France)
Bolli Blas (UK)
Catherine Picop (Hong-Kong)
Chao Wang (USA)
Clara Aden (Nigeria)
Dimitra Bouritsa (Greece)
Eduard Boev (Canada - Russia)
François Sarhan (France - Germany)
Goran Makeski (Switzerland)
Gregg Simpson (Canada)
Hannu Juhani Hyvärinen (Findland)
James Paterson (Canada)
Joseph Farugia (Canada)
Katayoon Firuozi (USA)
Kristine Suddaby (Canada)
Leo Labelle (Canada)
Lewis Shortridge (USA)
Martin Guderna (Canada)
Oliver Posic (Hungary)
Olga Oreshyna (Canada)
Paul Bond (USA)
Paul Ygartua (Canada)
Rik Lina (Netherlands)
Robert Davidson (Canada)
Robin Walker (USA)
Scott A Trimble (USA)
Sergiy Roy (Ukraine)
Tick Tock Tom (Canada)
Tadas Zaicikas (Canada)
Ulfur Karlsson (Iceland)
Vladimir Kolosov (Canada)
Xavier Ott (France)
Yolanda Bienz (Canada)
Matt Levinson (USA)